choose your stamps

love bites: available in 4 sizes. my most versatile, and probably (shh, don't tell the other fonts) my favorite.

jelliebeans: one size. great for name tags, but will work for the shorter tag lines too.

sour apple: two sizes: med/lg & small.

trick or treat: one size. this font is available for name tags only!

for size reference, the largest circles are 3/4", the smaller circles are 1/2". if there are multiple symbols per circle, these are individual stamps unless otherwise stated!

long candy (2 sizes). pizza heart. pizza slice. happy donut. round candy (2 sizes). plain cupcake. cherry cupcake. lollipop. chocolate dipped strawberry.

dogs/dog sports
a-frame. jump. bowing dog facing both directions. dumbbell. tunnel. weave poles. heeling dog.

three clouds. bunny. sheep. roots. chicken. dragon. flames. flower (two sizes). kangaroo. jellyfish.

sharp stars (four sizes). pointy stars (two sizes). rounded stars (three sizes). diamond-y stars (two different stamps). star shine  ✨  (singular stamp). bubbles (three sizes). paw heart & paw print. tall hearts (four sizes). pixel heart. handrawn heart. three heart cluster (singular stamp).

shruggie. tiny shruggie. smiley face. lil devil. middle fingers. tiny fighter guy. fighter guy.

arrows. wings. syringe. mustache. dna helix. emphasis lines/sun rays. 3 emphasis lines/whiskers. fangs. shamrock. pinwheel (two sizes). grenade. bomb.